File Management
Check this before you start learning R.
Notes about asking help
help.start() starts and displays a hypertext based version of R’s online documentation in your default browser that provides links to locally installed versions of the R manuals, a listing of your currently installed packages and other documentation resources.
Asking For Help
- help()
- ?
- help(rlm, package=“MASS”)
- help('?')
- help(package=“MASS”)
- help(rlm, package=“MASS”)
- example(lm).
Vignettes and Code Demonstrations:
- browseVignettes()
- browseVignettes(package=“MASS”)
- vignette()
- vignette(“timedep”)
- demo()
- demo(package=“stats”)
The apropos() function searches for objects, including functions, directly accessible in the current R session that have names that include a specified character string.
- apropos(read)
R Sites Search
- ??
- RSiteSearch()
Library Management
Get library locations containing R packages:
Get the list of all the packages installed:
Get all packages currently loaded in the R environment